
Top Ten Reasons Businesses Need Quality Content on Their Websites (Part 1)

In this digital information era we now live in, you’ve probably come to realise how important it is to have a website presence on the internet. Some businesses only trade on the web, which means their website’s image and integrity can have extreme consequences. This is especially the case when customers are comparing your website to competitors in the same industry.

You have your website, and it may have cost a lot to build, but you found out not too many people were visiting. This is where Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and marketing (SEM) come into play, and they are two rapidly growing industries. However, if other businesses in the same field as your own have also thought about or used SEO keywords to increase their page rankings on Google, what can you do to differentiate yourself from the mass of websites using the same keyword methods?

The answer is article content. Here are the ‘Top Ten Reasons Businesses Need Articles on Their Websites’: (Part 1)

1. Article content creates a unique brand image:

No matter the industry or market you work in, there is always competition. How do you show potential customers and clients you are the best company for the job at hand? The key is to differentiate your business with unique written content, so site visitors can feel the experience, knowledge and passion you have about your chosen field of work.

No two people in the world are exactly the same. You need to have articles showing your unique human perspective on the service or product you provide. If you are very good at one element of the work, and you believe others are less proficient, you need to express this in words. The result is a collection of stories creating a more holistic and genuine brand image for your business.

2. Articles are full of text that can be scanned by search engines:

When it comes to having a business online, one of the most important factors to consider is how to get more traffic to your website. Put in lay person’s terms, it equates to how you get people who are interested in your product to find your website, not to mention how to keep them there long enough to make a real connection.

Website content articles are essentially packed full of written text of which automated search engines can analyse for keyword phrases people are searching for. What better way is there to use multiple SEO keywords on a single website page? Normal SEO companies can help you with basic meta links, meta tags, meta names and meta descriptions attached to your web pages, but article content has these keywords naturally embedded in the writing.

A good website content writer will integrate SEO keyword phrases and terms fluidly into an article without affecting the integrity or authenticity of the writing. You would not believe how many search phrases can be utilised in a single 500-word blog post.

This pink fighting rooster means business. Does your website content fight to be unique?

3. You become a source of information, not just someone selling a product:

Once you’ve accumulated a stockpile of website articles, the internet community interested in your topic will come to see your website as a place to source information, not simply a retail site pushing a product. The more valid and valuable the knowledge and experience you can provide, the more customers will see you as an expert or genuinely passionate proponent of the industry.

If your competition only has basic static text on their website stating price and product information, a collection of article content automatically separates you as being the seeds compared to the chaff. When you then post new articles regularly, keeping clients up to date about what is happening in the field, it exemplifies your keenness about the work you do.

4. Your blog becomes a place of interaction and communication:

It’s good to put your most important articles on your website’s static web pages, but if you want to be considered a genuine contributor of content, you also need to have a business blog. Posting regular articles to your blog gives site visitors a chance to interact with you, as well as other visitors with like-minded ideas and interests.

When people comment on your blog posts and you reply, sometimes going back to their website to comment on their articles, you are creating a network. The more incoming and external links you can make with others, the better search engines like Google will rate you as being a knowledgeable source, and part of an inter-related community.

However, this is not the only advantage of having people comment on your blog posts. Besides creating a relationship with your clients, you can also learn from them and use the information gained to write more related content. If two or more external parties converse on topic on your website, it shows how your business has become a portal of communication, thus adding an entire new dimension to your online identity.

5. Articles are the best form of social media:

These days your business also needs a social media presence, as becoming part of networking communities like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, Digg, Delicious and Reddit is an excellent means of spreading your name around, and advertising your service.

If every time you post a new article on your blog or website you simultaneously post hyperlinks to that story via social media networks, the chance of curious people checking out your business dramatically increases. Posting a link to an entire article is much more powerful than simply stating a short idea in text, or putting up a link to a basic web page. People see you as sharing ideas. This builds up trust for your brand, as well as increases in website traffic.

Click here to read, Top Ten Reasons Businesses Need Quality Content on Their Websites (Part 2)’.
